I think of my photographs often as a film still,
something paused in the in-between. A past, present, and future combined. I found that I’m often drawn to idealism of young adult love and its romanticism, found in movies, books, and poetry. Certain phrases and lines would stand out to me, and I jotted them down for future use. These powerful fragments of sentences consumed me, and I wanted to portray them, to show them in a new scene. I would also incorporate my own phrases along with these found wordings, sentences, and lines to form a narrative for my images, giving them a new voice.
This series, “Borrowed Thoughts,” portrays the metamorphosis of one’s middle twenties, into the transition of adulthood, while desperately trying to cling onto their young teenage years. I portray the inner monologues of these “characters,” as they go through this realization of finding themselves, revolving around human’s need to want, and to be wanted. This is a young adulthood cycle of meeting new people, forming connections, eventually spilling your heart out, only to never speak to them again. Young love and desire play a constant theme in my work, as I find I gravitate to this theme in my choice of literature and movies.
With this body of work, I utilize young women as placeholders, a representative trying to show these universal experiences that multiple women in their twenties can relate to. Each photo attempts to represent a similar state of mind young adults may have experienced. Exposing a glimpse of someone's day, their innermost thoughts are kept hidden. I aim to show people in their dream state as they mindlessly think back on past relationships. These are things they should have spoken up about, or where they would wish to be in life.